How to Create a Café Ambiance

The ambiance surrounding a café is one of the most important details. Whether you are convening several dozen or several hundred people, it is essential to create an environment that evokes a feeling of both informality and intimacy. When your guests arrive they should know immediately that this is no ordinary meeting!

❧ If possible, select a space with natural light and an outdoor view to create a more welcoming atmosphere.

❧ Make the space look like an actual Café, with small tables that seat four or five people. Less than four at a table may not provide enough diversity of perspectives, more than five limits the amount of personal interaction.

❧ Arrange the Cafe tables in a staggered, random fashion rather than in neat rows. Tables in a sidewalk café after it has been open for a few hours look relaxed and inviting.

❧ Use colorful tablecloths and a small vase of flowers on each table. If the venue allows it add a candle to each table. Place plants or greenery around the room.

❧ Place at least two large sheets of paper over each tablecloth along with a mug or wineglass filled with colorful markers. Paper and pens encourage scribbling, drawing, and connecting ideas. In this way people will jot down ideas as they emerge.

❧ Put one additional Café table in the front of the room for the Host's and any presenter's material.

❧ Consider displaying art or adding posters to the walls (as simple as flip chart sheets with quotes), and play music as people arrive and you welcome them.

❧ To honor the tradition of community and hospitality provide beverages and snacks. A Café isn’t complete without food and refreshments!

Use your imagination!
Be creative!

Suggested Cafe Supply List:

• Small round tables of 36 to 42 inches are ideal, but small card tables will also work.

• Enough chairs for all participants and presenters

• Colorful tablecloths

• Flipchart paper or paper placemats for covering the café tables

• Colored markers (water-based markers are best so they don’t bleed).

• A vase with cut flowers, a mug or cup per table for markers

• A side table for refreshments and snacks

• Flip chart for making collective knowledge visible and tape for hanging.

• Wall space for posting collective work or the work of the tables

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